Sunday, July 13, 2008

Affordable Health Plans

Having health insurance today is very costly. A average household spend around 300.00 to 400.00 a month on health insurance alone. Add also the co-pay "30.00", deductible minimum 1,000.00, prescription costs, and oh; the numerous amount of bills you receive from your physician to pay the remaining balance.

Now for those who have illnesses that require medical attention constantly, 300.00 a month is a good investment. I have a friend who had to have cornea surgery on both eyes, and require check- ups, and stitches added/removed, steroids for the pain and so on. The hundreds of dollars he spent a month on the needed care is a well worth investment.

But for the rest of us, paying so much a month is ridiculous. Do this exercise with me. Do it! Total your monthly health insurance rate and multiply it by 12. Do you see the total amount you spend a year? Hard working Americans instead of saving toward college funds, or retirement, are brain washed(due to lack of knowledge)to pay hundreds a month, thousands a year on health insurance.

Even though the economy has took a turn for the worst (for now), we as Americans do have the right to save money instead of spending more, and more, and more. Even though insurance rates have increased, we don't have to be a victim of overpaying. Do you think that they (health insurance companies)plan on giving their customers a break? I don't think so.

My heart breaks also for the uninsured, and underinsured. These are hard working Americans, who can't afford the high rates of having health insurance, because of earning minimum wage. County hospitals can only do so much, but you still have to pay for their services. I don't see government wanting to help it's citizens on this issue. So what are we to do?

I have the answer. My passion in life is to help others in need, by informing them of options that they do have. Yes, you do have a option on how much you should pay on a affordable health plan(s). I provide health plans to the public at affordable prices.

What if I told you that you can purchase a dental plan for only 19.95 a month.

For more information, please email me at: saveonplans@gmail.com

Latosha Asemota

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How to Compare Low Cost Health Insurance in North Carolina

Clearly the least expensive health care option for anyone in North Carolina is a group plan. Most of these plans are sponsored by employers and in some cases can result in the employee paying a very small amount of money per year for a lot of coverage. In North Carolina employers can utilize one of two different types of group plans. They are fully insured and self insured. In either case the employee can expect to receive a good rate on their health insurance as long as they stay employed with that company.

If you dont have a job that has health insurance as a benefit, you can still find low cost insurance in North Carolina. The best way to do this is to compare prices between several companies that offer health insurance. This means contacting agents that represent different insurers and getting price quotes from each one.

Each company is likely going to offer their own selection of policies, with each containing slightly different levels of coverage. In order for you to effectively compare prices you need to ask for a quote based on the coverage you feel is necessary for your familys unique situation.

If you or a member of your family regularly uses prescription medication youll want to find a plan that will cover a significant portion of that. If you are at a point in your life where starting a family is in the near future, a plan that provides prenatal care and coverage for the delivery of the baby is essential.

Its important to remember that as your medical situation changes each year, you can adjust your coverage as it comes up for renewal. This typically includes shopping for new quotes each time. The key is to find a policy that reflects your current medical needs and is a price that is affordable.

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Affordable Senior Health Insurance

Recently affordable senior health Insurance coverage has been a big topic as a saving grace for those who can least afford high medical cost. With the skyrocketing cost of health care senior citizens have a way to help pay some of their the costs of health care that are not covered by the original medicare health plan with supplemental insurance officially called "Medigap Policies". The reasons these policies may prove beneficial are that they assist senior citizens who can least afford it from incurring bills they can't pay or from being denied care when needed.

A Medigap policy is health insurance that's sold by private insurance companies, each insurance company decides which Medigap policies it chooses to sell. The good thing is that these health plans for seniors are the same from one supplemental health insurance company to the other. You can choose from up to 12 different standardized Medigap policies, letters for Plans A to L are used to identify each policy. The supplemental benefits in any Medigap Plan are the same for any insurance company. These letters A-L also denote basic and extra supplemental benefit levels. Once you decide on a affordable level of insurance that meets your needs the only difference will be the costs not the plan. Also these senior citizen policies must follow Federal and State laws that are mandated to protect you.

This standard was set specifically to prevent confusion and most importantly to make comparison easy. A Medigap policy must be clearly identified on the cover as "Medicare Supplement Insurance." You can effectively do a search online and compare the costs of providers you may consider knowing that the health plans offered by all potential companies are the same and that they offer identical supplemental benefits. This is why to get the most affordable senior citizen supplemental health insurance rates it is critical to compare Medigap insurance policies as rates widely vary.

Basic supplemental benefits are covered by each of the 12 Medigap policies while additional benefits are determined according to the plan you choose. For example supplemental Plan A is the most basic. Everything in Plan A is offered in Plans B thru L, with these plans offering even more coverage. You will find cost sharing, depending on the level is different for Plans A to J and Plans K to L but that the services offered are similar.

In the event of serious illness or accident, especially for persons who did not sock away a substantial retirement fund during their working years, having to pay the amount that is left after Medicare and Medicaid have paid their share could be catastrophic. For senior citizens a policy that can take care of most of what government insurance plans for seniors do not has many benefits and deserves a look.

Supplemental health insurance for seniors is not too expensive and generally affordable. Just remember it is very important that you compare the policies offered by different insurance companies. Whether you do it locally or easily on line this task should not be skipped, compare. After doing some research you may find that not only is it affordable, senior health insurance is something you can not afford not to have.

Get More information on Senior Health Insurance here senior health care insurance. Also go to http://SeniorHealthAndInfo.Com where you can get more information on senior home health, senior health tips, senior mental health and more related topics.

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Health Benefits and Golf

Theres a common fallacy that golf is a non-exercise sport. Sure, you say, theres a bit of walking, but if youre riding in a cart and just swinging a little club around, how much exercise is that, really?

Youd be surprised. Golf has many health benefits that benefit young as well as old, men and women alike. Its one of the most popular sports in America today, and our population is likely a bit healthier for it.

The health benefits of golf are numerous:

*Cardiovascular fitness. If you walk a golf course, you derive all the benefits of walking, along with the extra benefits of golf. If you walk your entire 18-hole course, you are walking nearly 5 miles. Not a bad stroll for one day. Even if choose to use a golf cart, theres significant enough benefit from the walking you will do from the cart to the hole.

*Strength and flexibility. Swinging a golf club is an excellent strength builder, building flexibility, agility and coordination. These are important qualities to develop when youre young, but absolutely essential to develop and protect as you get older.

*Aging. As we get older, its harder to get up, to get moving in the morning, to walk up stairs. The flexibility you develop through golf, and the strength you get from the walking, swinging, and other movements will help you age more gracefully and likely more healthfully. Many doctors prescribe golf to older patients who dont get enough exercise for this very reason.

*Physiological. Researchers report a benefit to mood and overall psychological health to people who get enough sun, particularly in the winter. If you think you suffer from a seasonal mood disorder (and experts believe most of us do to some degree), getting a bit of sun and a bit of outdoor activity can prove to be a big boost to your mood and overall psychological well-being. In most climates, golf is an all-season sport.

*Better sleep. Experts say you sleep better when you get regular physical activity, and better sleep benefits not only your day-to-day activities, but likely your golf game as well!

Richard Myers is a keen golfer and his web site http://www.thinkandreachpar.com and http://www.golfforleftys.com contains many free tips and great golfing advice plus videos/DVDs to help you to improve your swing and lower your score.

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Ohio Health Insurance Open Enrollment - And Other Fairly Interesting Things

Many Ohio residents don't realize that we have an "Open Enrollment" for health insurance that is available most of the year.

The Ohio Department of Insurance offers Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) coverage to applicants who may be unable to secure their own coverage for a variety of reasons including health issues.

(HMOs) offer an alternative to traditional insurance. It is a system in which you receive your basic health care from specific doctors and hospitals. HMOs accept individuals during their Open
Enrollment Period regardless of any pre-existing health conditions.

HMO's may refuse to accept individuals that have or are eligible for coverage:

As a federally eligible individual;
Under group continuation coverage;
As a Medicare recipient (some plans will cover this group); or
Has employer sponsored health coverage.

Things to remember:

You must live in the HMO service area to apply;
Coverage may not start until 90 days after your month of enrollment;
An HMO may be granted a waiver or limit for their open enrollment period.

Here is how you enroll:

Call the HMO serving your county (at the beginning of their expected date) to confirm their scheduled open enrollment will take place; Apply early as applications are taken on a first come basis. You may request an application be mailed to your home address; you do not have to apply in person.

If you need additional assistance after contacting the plan:
Contact the Consumer Services Division of the Ohio Department of Insurance at (800) 686-1526.

***Special thanks to the ODI website.

For additional information, feel free to email service@ohioquotes.com or visit http://www.ohioquotes.com

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